We generalize this notion of bandwidth asymmetry to other aspects of asymmetry, such as latency and media-access, and pAcket error rate, which are common in wide-area wireless networks. 除此以外,这种不对称的概念还可以扩展到其他方面,比如网络延迟、媒体访问以及数据包错误率(PER-PacketErrorRate)等等。
Some important aspects of this technology are carefully studied, such as the bit-error-rate, error report, synchronization recovery, latency skew of channels and phase stability. 此技术用在BESⅢ中,关心的问题有:传输误码率,线路抗干扰性,错误报告及同步恢复,延时离散度,相位稳定性和辐照损伤特性等。
The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is effective to avoid the affect of satellite high error, and reduce the satellite network latency and improve throughput. 3. 仿真结果表明,这样有效避免了卫星高误码对拥塞窗口的影响,降低了卫星网络延迟和提高了吞吐量。